I just finished up editing a massive quantity of photos including some for Dan & Sereen, whose wedding was in August. I always tend to beat myself up about not having finished things soon enough, and then when I'm done I realize, hey, it's only been two months, which is faster than I expected, so not bad...
David and I are still plugging away at our jobs, nothing too exciting there save some office drama for me and David doing way more work than one person should as usual. I guess something of interest is that David recently crashed his bike, his wonderful beautiful, long-awaited bike. So he's riding along, crossing three lanes of highway and going as fast as possible while shifting his bad mamma jamma shifters that are meant for racing and just such a purpose and whoopsie, his chain fell off. So David ended up head over bike over head over ... slam and sliiiide on the asphalt and ouch!
So I took off work that morning and we went to the ER, where the nurse did an excellent job cleaning David up. Unfortunately her bedside approach was to describe every thing she was doing, "Ok, so now I'm going scrub your deep abrasion with burning liquid on a spongey..." I did my best wife move, and told David to tell me about our prospects against LSU (it was THAT weekend! we missed out on the game - too many elbows close by to bonk David's) and that got him to a better place... ahhh football land. ;-)
He's healing up just fine, after a few weeks of soreness and changing dressings then graduating to band-aids and now just scabs! Since David was smart enough to insure his bicycle, we filed a claim and he's going to be able to get a new bike - so that's a bonus! Speaking of new bikes, I just got one myself and will be selling my old one. The new one works so much nicer and fits me! When we got it last weekend, I put it together myself, with a little help from David & Gary at Spin Cycle. I have ridden it a few times so far. I rode it home from work today in the freezing 50-something degree weather (and I want to move to Colorado?)and Northern winds and it didn't even bother me much because the gearing is so much mo' bettah!
David and I were very ambitious about doing weekly self-portraits a month or two ago, and so far we have done it three times. Oh well, at least we're still trying :-) It's been fun. Something we can do together that gets us to be silly, fun, and creative. Just what the Jemma ordered! ;-) Here are some from our latest "shoot".

Until the next urge hits me, adios amigos!