So as usual our personal blog gets neglected as we update facebook and the photography site. But it's high time for this to be updated too, so here goes:
1) We're settled into our new living space now. Good location, neighbors, noise, and bug levels. The dogs like the backyard, which is super important. It's about the same distance to both of our offices, so the bike ride is still doable. Jemma is not happy that it's not full of color like the last place, but there's enough art and photography on the walls that it's ok. for now. But I'm sure she'll talk me into painting if we stay here any longer. It's just her way. Must. Have. Colors. Everywhere.
2) The trusty Volvo died, so we had to get a new car. We shopped some used cars, but the depreciation on them didn't match with the lost value of things like reduced warranty etc, so we ended up buying our first new car! It's a VW Jetta Sportwagen TDI, and we love it! It's been raining here, so no official pictures yet, but a photo shoot is forthcoming of course! Room for the dogs, racks for the bikes, 6spd manual, 30/41MPG make it a very good fit for us right now. And it is a pretty good ride for schlepping around the state for this photography thing we've got going on....
3) Which leads me to the photography business. It's been going really well. Totally redone website, tweaking the branding, honing our skills; all progressing ahead at a break-neck pace. We've booked more weddings in the first 6 months of year than I figured we'd do all of the year. Plus maternity/graduation/couple portrait sessions have been really fun too. We went to a
photography workshop earlier in the year in Oregon, which rocked and taught us some things we'd been missing. We also recently got to assist/second shoot with a great
Tallahassee wedding photographer, which was really encouraging and fun! Like I said before,
gainesville wedding photographer site gets updated more often than this, so please check it out!
4) Now that the weather is a bit warmer we've been both riding bikes more. Commuting by bike to work together is really fun and a cool way to spend time together. Nothing brings you together like dodging cars while the drivers text away on their trip to work. Luckily we pay attention, plan for the worst, and hope for the best. But it's fun. I recently rode in an Alley Cat race, which is basically a bike scavenger hunt. I got 14th out of 60ish people, which is better than I expected to do, as I was shooting for winning the costume contest. Riding 20+ miles in a full UPS uniform, polyester pants and all, to win with the theme of the 1997 Kevin Costner Movie, "The Postman". Though I was devastated when I got 2nd place to a girl who had nothing postal on at all, it was a fun day. :sigh:
5) We are really excited to have off some time around the holidays this year for the first time since we've been married. We're looking forward to spending time with family and friends! Details forthcoming...
6) We're both on Twitter, updated at least daily. If you're on, look us up so we can follow you!
I'm sure there are things that I'm forgetting, but it's getting late, so this will have to do for now.